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BLAST 2021 - Bishopstown Community School

Artist Nathalia de Azevedo Marques led the BLAST residency in Bishopstown Community School where she worked with the Transition Year students and their teacher, Leanne Ryan.

The students participated in a host of drama workshops to get their creativity moving.

As a group, they worked on projects in the name of ‘Diversity and Inclusivity'.

These themes were explored through the workshops.

Nathalia engaged the students in acting, scripting and confidence boosting activities.




BLAST 2021 - Walterstown NS

Julie Forrester led the BLAST residency in Walterstown National School.

The residency was available to the Junior Infants class and 2nd class.

Initial sessions began with nature walks, connecting with the outdoors and individual findings there.

The children explored ideas beginning with observational drawings from their own collections.

Following sessions incorporated paintings and print from memory and imagination.

We explored drawing with charcoal and chalk from primary source material, then leapt into a world of colour as the children found their way with materials and ideas.

The residency continued with junior infants working collaboratively and individually on a class piece.

The long frieze will be shown in the school corridor and will be divided up in a way the children will decide for taking home at the end of term.








BLAST 2021 - Coláiste Éamann Rís

Artist Julie Forrester worked with the students at Coláiste Éamann Rís and their teacher, Lorraine Naughton.

Beginning with drawing and printmaking, the students discussed the David Hockney story, 'The Little Sea Hare', and made drawings exploring the theme as it arose individually for each student.

They shared their findings and began design work on the theme “concealing and revealing”.

Students developed work into etchings from their preparatory drawings.  

In later sessions, the students brought the theme into ceramic work using the techniques of slab building and clay modelling before finishing their pieces by glazing them.    






Scríobh Leabhar - St. Anthony’s Boys NS

Congratulations to the students from 4th class in St. Anthony’s Boys National School, Ballinlough who received their prizes from CESC Director, Sean Horgan, recently.

The boys participated in the Scríobh Leabhar project this year.

Scríobh Leabhar is a project sponsored by Clár na Leabhar Gaeilge.

The project is organised in partnership with various education centres throughout Ireland.

Scríobh Leabhar provides primary school students with the opportunity to write, design and publish their own books in Irish.

The project promotes the reading and writing of Irish amongst young children.

The children write, design and bind their own books under the direction of their teachers.

The main focus of the project is the writing process itself.

The project is very flexible, each child in the class can write their own book, or work together in groups, or the entire class can write a book.