Learning School Project - LSP 13
The Learning School Project has been a very successful collaborative project for the past number of years between Cork Education Support Centre and Limerick Education Centre. Many schools have benefitted from participation in this project and we would again like to invite schools to get involved in the latest LSP project - LSP 13. Schools will be supported by a number of webinars/hub meetings which will take place in person in CESC and LEC but will also be available via Zoom.
We invite you to participate in this year’s cycle of the Learning School Project - LSP-13. The framework for this project is the development of the school as a self-evaluating school, which is a key element of current national policy with particular reference to Looking at Our School (LAOS) and School Self-Evaluation (SSE). Participation in LSP-13 will offer your school an opportunity to explore LAOS and decide on an aspect of the Teaching and Learning Dimension to focus on in terms of SSE, school development and school improvement. Schools that have participated in the Learning School Project over the years have benefitted hugely from their own individual, context-based innovation and development and from their participation in the LSP Community of Practice.
To register please email:
1st Hub meeting on September 19th 2022
Dr Joe O’Connell will facilitate our first session