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24-6845-NQT-Droichead Cluster Meeting 1 - Primary

24-6845-NQT-Droichead Cluster Meeting 1 -  Primary

NQT - Droichead Cluster Meeting 1 -  Primary

FACE TO FACE at Cork Education Support Centre 

Eircode: T12 KC86

Cluster Meeting 1:

Cluster Meeting 1 is a requirement of all NQTs participating in Droichead. This meeting provides NQTs with information relating to all aspects of the Droichead process from start to finish. NQTs are given the opportunity to discuss how best they can engage with their Professional Support Team (PST) in order to get support and guidance in addressing their professional learning needs. Key elements of teacher professionalism, the roles and responsibilities of the NQT and PST, observations, developing a Taisce and the completion of Form D are explored with facilitators and peers. Guidance on Preparation for Teaching and Learning is provided at Primary.

Primary NQTs can access the Droichead Cluster Meeting Calendar 2024.2025 here and the Cluster Meetings: Important Information and Protocols for Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) 2024.2025 here.

NQTs are required to attend one different cluster meeting (specific to their route of registration i.e. Primary or Post-primary) per term in sequential order for the duration of their Droichead process. NQTs must complete Cluster Meeting 1 (CM 1) before engaging in either Cluster Meeting 2 (CM 2) and/or Cluster Meeting 3 (CM 3).

Registration on DESC website:

Donegal Education Support Centre (DESC) is the central administration hub for Droichead Cluster Meetings nationally.

All NQTs must first register here in order to receive and download cluster meeting certificates. The submission of cluster meeting certificates to the Teaching Council is one of the requirements when concluding the Droichead process.

Please Note: Registering for multiple cluster meetings will result in removal from the CM register. Therefore, NQTs are advised to register only for the CM that they intend to engage in. In the event that their first preference is fully booked, NQTs will need to select an alternative date.

NQTs who register with are asked to use the same email address when registering with this ESC.  

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 01-10-2024 4:30 pm
Course End Date / Time 01-10-2024 6:30 pm
Cut off date 26-09-2024 4:30 pm
Capacity 25
Fee Free
Select Hours 2
Course Format Face to Face
Location Cork Education Support Centre

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