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24-6193-SPR-Supporting Pupils with Dyslexia in the Primary School

24-6193-SPR-Supporting Pupils with Dyslexia in the Primary School

Supporting Pupils with Dyslexia in the Primary School

In this session, participants will become aware of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia and how they might recognise it in the classroom.

The presentation will identify the specific difficulties associated with dyslexia  and assist teachers in becoming familiar with basic assessments and checklists suitable for classroom use, to help them plan interventions to support children with dyslexia.  Also, differentiation techniques and resources that will help students with dyslexia to access the curriculum and to reach their full potential will be explored.

 This webinar will be facilitated by Dr Celia Walsh Ed D; Former Primary School Principal & Director of Waterford Teachers Centre.

A link to access the course will be emailed to you prior to the course.

If you wish to cancel your place you can do so by clicking on the cancellation link at the bottom of your booking confirmation email. 

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 21-05-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 21-05-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 21-05-2024 4:00 pm
Capacity 100
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Location Online

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