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24-6363 Exploring the Graphic Novel and Film in Junior Cycle English, through David Almond's The Savage and Sing Street directed by John Carney

24-6363 Exploring the Graphic Novel and Film in Junior Cycle English, through David Almond's The Savage and Sing Street directed by John Carney

This webinar is aimed at mainstream teachers of Junior Cycle English.

We will explore how a selection of learning outcomes* can be brought to life through a range of learning experiences as students engage with David Almond's graphic novel The Savage and Sing Street directed by John Carney.

The webinar will illustrate how learning experiences can deepen and consolidate learning outcomes through key moments in The Savage, whilst also making links and connections from this learning to other text forms, prmarily the film Sing Street.

We will share how extended writing opportunities emerge allowing students to develop the Collection of Student's Texts, CBA 2.

Teachers will gain insight into how their students may apply this learning to questions in the final state examination.

Teachers who attend this webinar will receive an accompanying resource pack.

 *Learning Outcomes in Focus: OL1, OL8, R2, R7, R9, W4, W8, W12

Ann Marie Garvey has over twenty years teaching experience and works in Coláiste Cholmcille, Ballyshannon. She was seconded for three years as an English Advisor with Junior Cycle for Teachers. She has been an Advising Examiner of Leaving Cert Higher Level English for the past eight years and remains an English Associate with Oide.

Elaine McGowan has over twenty years teaching experience and is currently a teacher of English and History and Year Head in St. Attracta's Community School, Co. Sligo. She was an Examiner for both Junior and Leaving Cert. Higher Level English. Elaine returned to her classroom after a four year secondment to Junior Cycle for Teachers as an English Advisor

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 01-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 01-10-2024 8:00 pm
Capacity 100
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Ann Marie Garvey and Elaine McGowan
Course Format Online
Location Online

Course unavailable